Salima Khatoon looked appreciatevely at Meena. Meena.. her youngest of three daughters and two sons. Meena, the prettiest of her children. Meena held Sunbul in one hand and her feeder in the other. Sunbul looked tentatively at Meena.. All three were gathered in Salima Khatoon's room and Salima knew that the one thing that most definitely puts Sunbul to sleep is rocking her to the sweetest rhyme of all times.. baby baby so ja laal palang pe soja ammi abbu ayen gay, lal khilonay layen gay!! As Salima sang, Meena joined her and they put lil sumbulina to sleep.. Meena had always been a late sleeper, n early riser.. weird but thats how she was. Salima and Meena talk nineteen to the dozen before they sleep.. today also Meena was in a chitter chatter mood, and salima couldn't say no to her sweet Meena.. Meena needed someone to talk to and Salima is, was and would always be there for her.. as Meena buzzed, Salima couldnt help but notice her arm gestures.. slender, and slim, they were p...
Life is a mix of sweet and sour stuff, and ofcourse, if I have sugar and spice, somewhere, there has to be something bitter too..;)