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Showing posts from December, 2011

The HARD Night!!

6 years and 14 nights.. 6 years and 20 years.. 6 years and an unforgettable you!!! The first 14 nights in my life that I spent without you.. you in a hospital bed and I... Tonight is one hard night, I have images of you, the hospital, the doctors, the death, the funeral, and all that follows!YOu were smiling while going.. YOur smile gave us a reason to live, I guess thats why I'm still alive.. As you lay clad in the white coffin clothes... I remember standing amidst all the females, it was like I was thrown out from my ship into the ocean! I remember going back home after the funeral.. I don't who made suji ka halwa .. They all came they all prayed, it was house full but they all left.. It was just us then.. It was also a hard night..maybe the hardest, it was the first one without you in this world! and that was just the beginning of the end!! --- ?I donno what I've typed out up there, but the night which was hard, was turned easy for me.. :) alhamdulillah!! God is Great, H...

Miles still left!!!

Time flies!! 2 yrs ago I thought there was a lot to do before dying!! anyways out of that list, happy that I've achieved ONE!! guess which one?? I have a nikon yayy and its been 2 years since I've been to that secret hangout!! yeshh!! :( but I havent done anything else!! :( and life is too short!!!! tooo short man! how will i do???

Golden Moon & Your Smile!

Did you look out of your window today? I did and I saw a half moon,golden and peeping through the clouds. What a heavenly sight it was, not just because it was beautiful, but partially because it has so many memories tht are attached to it.. I love the moon, with all the shapes tht it takes, and all the beautiful colors tht it incorporates, When a cresent its white when half its golden yellow, and when its a full moon, it has a shade which I am unable to describe!!! Oft when I look at the cresent or the half moon, it reminds me of your smile.. You always smiled no matter what, you were brave! As I looked at the moon from the window of my car, I couldn't help missing you more.. It looked like you are smiling down at me from the heavens.. .. Its almost 2nd december! People are gonna celebrate the National Day.. And I am gonna think of you.. All tonight ..