Ok.. just ahd to put it on here, another thought generated in my wandering mind.. ppl often have differences with other ppl, regarding a whol;e lot of things.. to what extent do u tolerate the differences, what sort of differences create a barrier bw u and them.. why not accept their point of view as well, why not let them go their way.. will complete my answers tom. inshaAllah..
till then, reply... (if u read this, make sure u hit comment.. :P )
till then, reply... (if u read this, make sure u hit comment.. :P )
Depends hugely on whose differences you are tolerating...
BUT I reckon there are never two ways about it..
Either you please others
Please yourself..
I do tolerate differences to a certain extent, coz I blv they will always exist but they shouldnt be hyped so much that they amke us forget who we really are!!
Differences are common conundrums, which shouldn’t create barriers between two souls who hold a much greater union...
Can’t all differences be bridged with a simple thing called "Trust"?
Trust cant be bridged by mere trrust.. bridging differences require breakin the inner ego.. else none can ever bridge a difference,,