AND its your birthday again. Did time fly, or did it.. 5 yrs since we cut the cake, that chocolate one.. somethings are meant to be saved in the hearts and memories, i can't do anything, won't complain to God because life & death are in his control, and everything is for a REASON. Time will pass just as it did, though each day leaves its mark on me. Each day that I yearn to spend with you. BUT.. I am grateful to my God for allowing me to spend the best days of my life with you, I miss you, and will always do.. Be happy where you are..
By Anjum Niaz There’s a dog in our neighbourhood that nobody wants. Actually it’s a bitch. Her litter is on the way, I suspect. The big patch of green bordering my home and the busy road in front is no man’s land (read the CDA) but the lucky homeowners have been gifted the land and told to develop it as best as their aesthetic sense permits. Gardens are abloom all around my garden (says who Islamabad will run dry?) which stands out for its pedestrian look, only because my landlord cares not a whit for the patch. But the dog does. She has dug a cradle under the tangled bushes and lies there unobserved by passersby on the street. I worry. What if the puppies — God knows how many — invade my space and arrive uninvited in my garden. Their mother may not live to feed them. She’s doing poorly. When she’s not sleeping, she’s scratching herself all over to get rid of the ticks and fleas that infest her body. The vicious summer heat has parched her. The sun is relentless. Down the road, I watch...
I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Ethical concerns aside... I just hope that as the price of memory decreases, the possibility of transferring our memories onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's a fantasy that I dream about all the time.
(Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=]R4i Card[/url] DS HomeBrow)